August 11, 2010


After a day of solid work on the kids’ fun day event, I need a break. Especially since the rest of the evening will be spent working on lesson planning and the like.

But I do love my job and am glad to spend my days on projects that matter! :)

If you’re interested in the progress of “One Month to Live”, I have little to report. The past few days have been the typical “connect with people you love, reconcile with those you’ve wronged or who’ve wronged you, etc. etc.”. While this is sound advice and good living, it’s not a new concept.

My friend, Becca, brought up the concept that if you truly had one month left in life, you’d likely not waste it on responsible things, like cleaning, or choose to throw nutrition to the wind and indulge in favorite foods. The book mentions that this is not the point and reminds us that we need to be healthy and responsible. But I think Becca makes an excellent point. The reason we have room in life to focus on all the amazing things is that if we actually had only thirty days, we could throw out the necessary crap that sucks away our time. And facing reality while still attempting “One Month to Live” dries up all urgency that motivates us to change our lifestyle. So far my conclusion is that, while the actions and actively reordering our priorities is excellent, using the “if you only had 30 days to live!!” approach is misguided. But it’s only the 11th… maybe I will change my mind after reading 19 more days…..

On a completely different note, I am compelled to post a couple of things that inspire me artistically. These videos speak for themselves… and I hope I can be as creative in the next year when I begin my production projects for school…

And while we’re on the subject of inspiration….. A recent facebook/twitter post included video of great white sharks shot by a semi-local surfer (the giant boobs were in the background, so we know it was almost to San Diego). A comment from my third-grade teacher (oh, the wonder of facebook) reminded me of a book that really hooked my love of the ocean and desire to swim with sharks.


And that title is “Shark Lady” (not Shark Lad, fyi). It was hard to find the old cover, but I remember it very clearly. I should, considering I have read that book at least 17 times, if not more. It’s a little incredible that a children’s biography published in the late ‘70’s could give such enthusiasm to a girl who had never seen the ocean.

And yes, I totally stopped writing and bought a copy of the book for 75 cents on It deserves a place of honor on my bookshelf- not far from the snorkeling equipment that helps me swim with the fish for real.

4 thoughts:

Motivology said...

Your month to live concept is great and I appreciate your clarification on it about letting everything else go.
The videos were also inspiring, but I wonder with the second one if most people's attention span is long enough to see that it is for Bravia. With the mellow music and hypnotic bouncing of balls I almost stopped it a minute in.

Malinda said...

Thanks for the comment! The "Month to Live" is part of a book by Kerry and Chris Shook we are reading as a church.
As for the commercial, I am more interested in the color and creativity of filming the bouncy balls than the advertisement for Bravia. ;)

Dea said...

I feel like this subject is coming up a lot lately, at least in my life. I agree with Becca's comments, and there's even a new show on Showtime starting soon where a woman finds out she has cancer. Doesn't tell anyone and just starts doing everything she wants. My favorite part of the preview is that she's at dinner and says i've decided i'm only going to order alcohol and dessert.
goes along with the throwing healthy choices out the window, and sadly i wish i'm allowed to order just alcohol and dessert when i go out, cause i know it's what i want. :)

becca said...

hahahaha i don't know why, but "shark LAD" really made me chuckle. out loud. for about 45 second. tehehe.