April 30, 2008

i almost called this Friday Wrap Up until i realized it was Wednesday

This week is kind of a blur... I worked Sunday and will work again Saturday, so it throws things off a little. But overtime is nice- and much needed- so bring on the blur.....

I should be writing a spot right now. I've had quite a few this week, which has also been nice. My mind is kind of stretched from the day's usual random tasks, so I'm sort of hoping blogging will help me get into writing mode. Current project: testimonial spot for a dentist, followed by an in-house promo for a sales rep, and a thirty-second event promo on the horizon.

Cool moment of the day: My sister, Claudia, texted me asking what the sign was for "creator". I used my phone to make a short video demonstrating the sign language, and sent it back. Yay, technology.

FishFest was on Saturday, and is always a fun event to work. I heard Jadon Lavik, Sixpence None the Richer, Hawk Nelson, and Jeremy Camp. The first two I love, and the last two... eh. But i have great co-workers and music festivals are always delightful. :)

We're making sock puppet butterflies for kids' church tonight. I had to make the example one on my lunch break. Please note that having a sock puppet in the office makes people laugh.

I'm currently looking for a script for drama ministry that is heart-warming or serious. I've got lots of fun comedies, but nothing really moving. If you have ideas or resources, will you please share?

Soph's grandpa isn't doing so well. They haven't started radiation yet, and the most recent doctor's visit wasn't encouraging. If you think about it, will you continue praying for him and the family?

Why is Paula Abdul still not only on national television, but one of the most-watched programs?

I want so so badly to go to the beach....

New hobby! Tennis! Sophia and I got raquets at Target for only $3.48. I'm also playing with girls from work. I really suck (no, i'm not being humble. I seriously am not good), but it's a lot of fun. Could this be the active hobby i've been looking for? Sure, i was hoping that hobby would be surfing or kayaking, but i live much closer to tennis courts than the water. So, yay for tennis. :)

I'm in the middle of a zillion books right now:

- "Get Out of That Pit" by Beth Moore- I love her style of teaching and story-telling. So far I've only read a couple of chapters, and it's covered getting INto the pit. No word on the exit yet.

- "A Guide to Style" (or something along those lines) by Tim Gunn- given to me by a friend... it has some helpful information, but so far it's left me feeling like i have very few goals in the style department. Here are mal's ten commandments of style. Let's see if they change after I finish the book.
1. Thou shalt not be naked.
2. Thou shalt be practical and economical.
3. Thou shalt blend in nicely by at least not wearing something ridiculous or drastically out-of-style
4. Thou shalt remember starving children and be sensible and never extravagant with purchases.
5. Thou would like to look nice. :)
6. Thou shalt appreciate comfort. Beauty is not pain!
7. Thou likes artistic fun things... color and accessories. Hippie/bohemian?
8. Thou also likes the funky musician look but rarely has the oppotunity to wear such things, so hasn't invested much into those articles of clothing.
9. Thou would look much better in anything if thou were a bit healthier.
10. Thou thinks designer labels are unnecessary for her wardrobe (let me clarify that i respect the work these artists do, i just have no need for a Coach bag or Chanel sunglasses.... give me five dollar shades any day.)

- "Live Your Dream" (i think that's the title?) by Tommy Barnett- pastor of the Dream Center, pretty self-explanatory. It's kind of a daily devotional kind of thing. The first section points out that our talents and interests are God-given tools and indicators of our purpose.

- some book that asks 101 questions to professional screenwriters. At the end, there's a cd with a demo of screenwriting software. That's my treat for finishing the book.

- A book Leah gave me about creative careers in Hollywood. It's interesting because it uses movies that are about the industry to illustrate it's point. I'm not really sure how helpful it is, but it's kind of interesting from a film history standpoint. I think it would've been fun to take more film history classes (and production!). Maybe if/when i'm more financially blessed, i'll seriously consider film school. However, there are many many more things I want to do first. Like a coffeehouse style Bible study, and a Saturday morning drama workshop- both open to the community. Oh yeah, and move out.

I think the length of my entries is directly proportional to how many other things i should be doing.

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