February 09, 2009


Ok, so my laptop is on its way to Texas for repairs. It crashed to the point of no return. And my computer-dependent heart is sad because it is still a new computer... I'm praying once it comes back to me it will be good-as-new once and for all. I'm also hoping it actually returns before my birthday.

So since I have no computer access at home, I am neglecting certain things (blogging) and staying late at work to do personal tasks after hours. I have mixed feelings about this and again pray that my laptop is soon home safely. Until then, certain personal projects are on hold (video game, devotional, etc etc etc....). But it kind of works out well, because I'm quite busy with other things.

The latest challenge is the increased crappy behavior of our church kids. Last Wednesday began with innapropriate language and disrespect by the students, and ended with me crying in the bathroom after being scolded by a church elder. At that point, the kids were left with Soph, who was shaking in anger after all their... what do I call it? Crap is the only word I can muster. They are old enough to know better, and have been in church long enough to have no excuses. And while there's a little bit of pride that makes me wonder why I am not doing a better job as a teacher, most of my frustration is because it feels like we aren't reaching them. It's as if all of our effort falls on deaf ears- or at least willingly blocked out. So I pray for solutions, because I really don't know how to help the situation.

But, there are other, happier things in the mix. I accomplished my first goal of 2009 and conquered the original Mario Bros, saving the princess! Woot! I was going to post photographic proof, but I'm rushed so you'll have to imagine it. Besides, i'm sure most of you have already done it and know what it looks like, so why wallow in my silliness? I'm still glad I did it.
I'm still loving Masquer (the theater company). My castmates are so loving and welcoming... rehearsals are a blast and just fly by. I love having music to work on... it's the happiest kind of productivity. Last night I had the chance to hang out after rehearsal and get to know some of them better. Theater people are the best. :) AND... I was asked to be part of a production of "Godspell" that will benefit a charity. This is awesome on so many levels... a)theater to help people is fantastic... b)it is such an extreme honor to be included.... c)I have been wanting to do "Godspell" for years.... d)we will be performing in Texas in June.... e)I had a glimpse of how God weaves things together in such an intricate way. So I will be working on two shows at once, but I'm completely ok with that. I have a few ideas about time management.... but I need to pray a lot about that before I try to implement it. Of course, you'll be updated more than you could care to know through the joy that is my online journaling, haha.

We have a new receptionist at work. She is terrific. Things should be a little less stressful very soon.

I'm listening to "Walkin on the Sun" by Smashmouth for it's nostalgic value.

So yes, there are obstacles in life... challenges that I don't even want to write about right now. Because they are nothing but building blocks and a chance for God to display to the world how amazing He is. Because if He can put this many good things in my messed-up existence, the possibilities of His goodness are infinite.

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