July 09, 2010

this entry makes no sense

Often, in the middle of some kind of good life experience, I will think to myself, “i’m gonna blog about this.” Then i become consumed with whatever that bloggable thing was, and forget. Later, I find myself sitting in front of a blank page, wondering why i thought i had enough thoughts of interest to write in the first place.

i’m afraid that will happen with screenplays. i need to write them. i want to write them. but the apprehension of sucking prevents me from jumping in and writing. And it’s odd, because that’s not typical of my personality.

But i’m enrolled in a screenwriting course in the fall, so we’ll end this nonsense right quick!

Meanwhile, life continues to be grand. Challenges exist, but God handles them. i’m learning to chill out and let Him do His thing. For those of you interested in the factual recap, here’s the buzz:

Church work is good. We are putting together vacation Bible school from scratch, to be complete in a month. It’s a superhero theme, and i’m having fun brainstorming the ideas.

I still occasionally write copy for Salem. And i think there’s some sort of clause I have to put on my blogs now about this not being the opinions of the company or some sort of silliness. But i’m pretty sure there is no doubt in anyone (all ten of you reading this) that my affiliation with Salem is barely anything.

The next Masquer show is “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat”. I’m doing some production stuff since i’ll be out of town for opening weekend. I know it’s silly, but i miss rehearsing already. i  want to learn music and blocking and… you know. But i remember that i have a still-new job and school that needs focus.


My rambling has just been interrupted by one cuddly dog belonging to my roommate, Kelly. Tootsie has been quite a blessing… i’ve missed having a pet around since Jolie died last year….

But onto happier things. Last weekend I went snorkeling for the first time… and it was incredible. First, the fact that such things are available a mere ten minutes from my front door blows my mind. Second, I am hooked, want to do it again, and realize i am a weak swimmer. This must improve. Third…. so beautiful!! We went over a rock ridge that was covered in purple sea urchins and colorful starfish. There were silver fish… orange fish (garibaldi), and a couple with stripes. And lots and lots of kelp. Also, going in and out of the water involved rocks. Many rocks. Rocks that grab flippers and knock a girl in many directions. Rocks that require a girl to bond with band-aids and neosporin for the next few days…. But I’ll embrace my battle wounds. The scars will remind me of my first time snorkeling ever!!

Ok, you’ve put up with this scatteredness long enough. You’re updated, that’s what matters. i shall demonstrate better writing skill next time. seriously. i promise.

1 thoughts:

WhteWolfS said...

bah who needs coherent thought in a blog anyway? ;p