April 26, 2009

lazy sunday survey

Yesterday’s big event was Relay for Life- my first ever. I do realize that most everyone else in the world has participated, so I won’t tell you what you already know. It was good to participate, and Sophia and her mom were inspired to return next year with our own team. I think it will be fun to camp out and be there the whole time, instead of just the evening.

Today has just been filled with church and much-needed rest. I’m in the mood for fries and a shake, so we’re going to a fifties diner. Yes, it’s a luxury. But I haven’t spent money on going-out-and-doing-something-fun in a couple of paychecks. So one fun meal won’t hurt, right?

And I feel like doing a survey. So yeah.


Halfway through the survey, I got tired of it’s lameness and deleted it. I’m ready for dinner.

Oh, and I’m trying Twitter. I have mixed feelings about it, but if you’re on board, I’m malthestar and would love to follow your updates.

Milkshake and fries, here I come.

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