January 15, 2009

Seeking Challenges

Ok, so I read this fun article from Self Magazine where Jenna Fischer completed all these random self-improvement goals- like exercise or no Blackberry for a day.
(You can read here:.. http://www.self.com/magazine/2009/02/jenna-fischers-new-healthy-habits )

It sort of sounded like fun. And while my plate is darn full, i thought that one adventure a day would be groovy.

But I doubt that I'd keep with it on my own... so that's where you come in.This could be a fun blog entry series. You can submit your one-day challenge, I complete it, write about how it goes, and you get credit for the idea. It can be self-improvement, adventurous, helpful to someone else, good for the environment, or just something interesting and miscellaneous.The suggestion box is open! Begin Random One-Day Challenges 2009!!

And feel free to hop on board... I'll totally support your efforts with creative, helpful challenges. :)

1 thoughts:

Mark Justin Josephs said...

Great idea. We did a 5 weeks series involving random acts of kindness... called the gift revolution.com.