May 26, 2009

long weekends are really short

Apparently, I'm some sort of weekend warrior, trying to jam as much awesomeness into as little time as possible. Memorial day weekend was no exception. The only thing I didn't do was take pictures. I really mean to do that again. When did I get so lame?

Saturday was Productive Day. I got my hair trimmed and the oil changed in my car. I got a few things at Kmart on my shopping list. I was convinced to tag along on a trip to Kohl's, and spent some quality time in the clearance section finding items I've been needing for awhile (haha, so what if my work shoes had a literal hole in the sole....).

Sunday was Dodger Day. A big group of Cali family members trekked to the stadium to watch our team lose to the Angels. Highlights included a homerun landing not too far in front of our stellar left field seats, entertaining drunk people, and some guy falling over the fence onto the field- only to be quickly pulled up by his ankles back into the stands by his friends. Bonus: i hear my nostalgic number one team (who i rarely follow from here), the Reds, beat the Indians. At least one of my teams saw victory.

Monday was Not Quite Lazy Day. After going to bed at 7:30 the night before, I slept soundly until ten am. The rest of the day I cleaned and did little things here and there, not-so-secretly hoping for something exciting to do. We ended up going to the movies to see "The Soloist" (good movie- recommended).

Now it's back to the routine. I'm trying to have a good, thankful attitude.

Jolie remains around... using this as her home base between wanderings. I feel cruel sometimes, not giving her attention like I used to. But she cries for attention outside long after dark, or at five am- not optimum times for me to just go sit outside and keep her company. I'm not sure how to be a good pet owner of an outside cat. i miss her napping next to me while I work or read, or curling up to sleep at night. Or playing fetch with her catnip mice or chasing the laser pointer. She's not interested in those things anymore, now that real hunting is an option. I don't want to be sad about her, so I detach under the guise of "she's happier playing outside". Then again, maybe she is, and she only misses me at dinner time (something quickly remedied with food).

On Saturday, I'm joining friends to hike in the canyon. I'm super excited about that, evidenced by the fact I keep thinking about it randomly. Perhaps I can revive neglected photography then. Seems appropriate, doesn't it?

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